Friday, August 29, 2008

Chasing the Giants 101

This blog is about my book Chasing the Giants. I hope anyone who reads will give me feed back concerning the content of the book and tell me if they would buy it.

Chasing the Giants is a fictional conspiracy theory slash near futuristic thriller. The story is about two unlikely survivors of what is suspected to be a botched up nationwide terrorist attack on the United States. In this novel, Asher St. James is a hardworking family man who keeps a journal of the events that bring him through the many life threatening trials he experiences. After the attack, Asher meets Sarah Perkins, a highly intelligent and ambitious federal agent. Together they discover the depths of human corruption. And as Sarah plays her part in the Federal investigation, she encounters the truth and deceptions of our world while she pursues the Giants.

This novel is sprinkled with current political hot points such as the militia, the Second Amendment and the abuse of power in Washington. The story conveys the frustrations many Americans feel today concerning our current economic and political climate. It is filled with shocking images, conspiracies and a surprising turn of events.

You can find out more and purchase the book at

So without further a due, here is...

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